Monday, July 16, 2012

Thankful Day 24

The road to success is always under construction. – Lily Tomlin

Today I am thankful for:

getting those plants potted up yesterday.
the river rock planters my brother gave me.
the meat. don't ask! 
school supplies.
my little sister. who is 37.
my daughter's new place.
spell check.
that my husband goes to work everyday even if it he using my car for now.
money. Thank you thank you thank you.
that I am able to pay my bills today.
to be able to come up with things to be thankful for everyday.  This is actually kind of difficult to come up with new things every day. 

J-land friends!  Hopefully we can all meet again soon.


  1. I love you Shelly! I love that beach and the guys with us. Wasn't that the year the boys buried each other in the sand and Martha was hula hooping????

  2. I loved
    this pic and all the fun we had!!!
