Little Red Roost: The Alice Dress: It’s time for a little DIY Day clothing mash up. What do you get when you cross the tank top style dresses seen everywhere from Anthropol...
Jeanie Kirkby
Jeanie Kirkby has told us that after 19 years, her breast cancer has
returned, and it has spread into other areas of her body. Although on
treatment inde...
Christmas at Kew and Other Places
Throughout December we arranged Christmas related day trips. These are
some of the places we visited:-
Hinton Ampner, beautifully decorated for Christma...
Catch Up Time
Hello dear friends. First things first I want to thank you for all your
kind comments on my last post back in July regarding my husband's passing
and the...
The long term effects are starting to show.
Google 40% increase in deaths in 18-64 year old, the working class.
The first to report it an...
Miracle of a Star
* 💥 Carina Nebula 💥*
*Each day is a wonder, a miracle of universal life - it's everywhere. I
know there's life in the outer regions ...
9/11 - 17 years on
This tribute is published on the 17th anniversary of the terrorist attacks
on New York, Washington and Pennsylvania on 11 September 2001, under the
What I Ate Wednesday - Hattie B's Hot Chicken
Hey, y'all! I'm back again this week for what is unintentionally becoming a
weekly blog. I have been really sick. Just too sick to think about words
and ...
*Hello Nice People,*
*I finally found it. My BLOG, that is. Things have changed since I last
was here. I'll need some time to figure things out, like how...
I don't want to play nice!😬😒🙄
*As a child, my Mamma would say, " play nice!" I don't want to play nice.
I'm upset, restless, and damn near fed up. Will this pass, it generally
always do...
Yang Baik dan Jelek dari Teknologi Pada Tahun 2015
Sudah cukup satu tahun untuk teknologi. Apple membuat keuntungan lebih dari
siapa pun dalam sejarah, Microsoft mengabaikan dekade di padang gurun dan
Elon ...
Insurgent (2015)
Full Length of Insurgent in High QualityNow you can see Insurgent in best
quality with duration 119 Min and was published in 2015-03-20 with MPAA
rating i...
The Wrecking Ball
“The only wishes that will ever change you are the kind that may, at any
moment, eat you whole.”
- Janette Rallison, My Fair Godmother
Time weaves her we...
I just love how someone wants to leave a comment, but is too chicken to
leave their name. Honey, if you can't be bothered to leave your name, I'm
surely no...
Whipping through Port McNeill and then home.
Friday August 22
We arrived in Port McNeil on Friday August 15 after motor sailing across
Queen Charlotte Strait from a little one boat cove we found on ou...
John was In the hospital a lot recently
My husband, John, has been in the hospital a lot recently. I've lost track
of the number of times, but I think he's had six hospitalizations in the
past fe...
Empty Nesters? Really?
Yall think I was busy when I had 3 kids at home and they were all running
me ragged with every activity under the sun? Lord have mercy - I dont
think I ha...
8-6-2013 I’m sick, sick,…..
…..sick and tired of rain. Trying to make hay isn’t easy. We’re having to
ct late one day, bale and wrap the morning next. To make it even worse we
miss tw...
I think I can finally sit back take a deep breath and relax just a little This is always such a busy time of year for us with birthday
and ann...
Revolutionary War Heroine
*Oh, the stock of women we come from! Eli Loveday's wife Callie
(Spurgeon)'s great-great-great grandmother was Jane Spurgeon, a
Revolutionary War heroine...
Lenten Treasures
I'm still here... I haven't posted in several months. I joined Facebook,
that's what happened. I spent so much time on Facebook, posting,
commenting, rea...
First Post of 2013
So much has happened to me since Sept '12. Sept 28th I went to the
emergency room so sick and with such low blood pressure I was o...
Virtual Chocolate
A second on your lips forever on your hips never happens with virtual
Chocolate begins from a seed. A cacao seed. It is then fermented, roasted...
Build A Reindeer
*[image: BuildAReinDeerPrev]*
*Build A Reindeer – $1.00*
Build A Reindeer has 16 elements to create different effect for a christmas
1 fa...
Happy Birthday Mum x
*Today would have been my mums 76th birthday.*
*As you know I did not have the greatest of relationships with my Mum.She
was moody, miserable, bitchy a lot...
The Old Boathouse
Southampton Boathouse
You can find more images of The Old Boathouse
on my Gallery
The Boathouse in the '70s
UPDATE: On Mon...
Well glory be..somehow I feel the need to get on here and see what's going
on. I hate the new Facebook Timeline. I'm not sure if anybody is lurking
around ...
A Forgiving Father
*As the Father of the man whom you took part in murdering, I have something
very important to say to you. I forgive you. With all My he...
IN MY...
Life's Little Surprises
[image: Photobucket]
Once again, I have been given a Second Chance at Life... an opportunity to
make my life better, perhaps?
Makes sad not to include ...
ظل راجل...
قصدتني صديقة لي تشتكي و تلعن اليوم الذي تزوجت فيه زوجها و اخذت تسرد علي كل
انواع و اشكال عيوبه الظاهره و الباطنة و انا اسمع و اتعاطف معها بشده على هذا
Where have all the pretty gone?
OH!!! There they are!
Primeval's goodness .......Ben Mansfield
Once Upon A Time's favorite Prince Charming..............Josh Dallas
Grey's Anatomy's ...
Birds in the Garden
For me, gardening and birding go hand-in-hand.
One activity enriches the other.
In my gardens, I grow flowers and vegetables, deciduous trees,
evergreens ...
New addition to our family as of May 16th :)
Everyone meet Bentley :)
We rescued Bentley from a local animal shelter. Jeff and I had been talking
about wanting another chihuahua to give Beau a little...
A years worth of updates!
Wow. I can't believe how I've neglected our blog! So many things have
happened over the past year & a half! I'll start with the most
important..everyone in...
What's up???
This is me at my halfway to weight loss goal...and yes my hair is darker
Hello!!! And how are all my lovelies? I so need an update here. What has
~Community Photo Challenge- Reflections ~
... so it's been awhile... but I thought I would enter this challenge....
Make sure you check out the entries... and hell join in yourself...
Hi everyone!
This is just to let you know that I now have a new website.. this old one
will stay put but I did this to make it easier for my followers! Eve...
With In Arms Reach
As I was making dinner the other night I went to grab a few spices from the
pantry. I was disappointed that I could not find the small jar of curry
Chrissy: NOTICE
Hey guys I wanted to thank all of you who follow my blog, you are all
This blog has been a fun learning experience for me.
However, I am ready to m...
Cairns, Lochs and Munros
Here I am again as promised! I didn't like the way that the photos turned
out last night, they were so small that I decided to add them to
Photobucket toda...
I Have So Missed This
I really miss writing my blog. I watch things swirl around me in my small
confined world and think, "I would love to write about that", and then I
sit for ...
Happy Birthday Laika Juniebelle
Today marked Laika's fifth completed journey around the sun.
Laika is learning to read and write. She is excited about kindergarten and
totally finished ...
long time no see
WOW...2009 of September was my last post. I certainly miss aol blogs and
jland. I just never merged here. You can find me on FaceBook more , but I
found a ...
Loving Him..
Hey guys i know its been a while since you heard from little ol' cherry.
And honestly i haven't been reading blogs i do have to ketchup, lol. Only
people i...
I'm Still ALIVE from Delaware!!!!!
*WOW lets see I can't believe its been since July 2009 since I have posted
anything at all. I am TOTALLY SORRY everyone!!!!*
*It has been a long drawn out ...
Many Books About Which to Write
(I tried to write it: "Many books to write about", truly I did, but I just
I have neglected this blog long enough. I have a list of wonderful b...
Here's to hoping...
Things have brightened considerably in the recent months. A little update...
~I quit my job at the daycare I was working for. It was turning Hailey into
a ...
Black Widow Tag Offer
Rules For Requesting My Work
2 Tags Per Person, No Exceptions!
Real Names And Nicknames is the only thing going on my tags. You request a
name like this: ...
My week in a nutshell...
OMG it's cold. Wahhhh! I want summer back. I got up to 16 degrees this
morning and it has reached a whopping 25 so far. We are actually supposed
Conversations with a dying man
This week Manny's health was going downhill...
Yesterday I went to his house after making his favorite meal Corned Beef,
cabbage and potatoes...
When I ar...
I'm Here & Doing Well - Will Try To Update More
Hey Everyone!!
Wow....ok....where to start, alot has happened since I last updated my
blog, I now have high hopes if updating this on a fairly regualr basis...
Just can't shake it.
Has it really been that long since I made an entry.!!
Over six months.
Where has the time gone.
I guess moving from Aol journals took it's toll on everyone.
Spring Awakenings
How long it's been since I've last blogged!! Spring is a time where hope,
like the flowers and plants, is reignited. It seems like there is a "jump"
in eve...
Major Catch Up!!!
Hello how are you? Wow, it's been a long time again since I last wrote in
this journal. I am crap at writing entries, this is official!!! I was
[image: Photobucket]
*Yep it has been awhile..I have been so super busy it is unreal. I took
over a Girl Scout troop my daughter was in...and it is the fir...
Thank You....
*I wanted to thank everyone for all the prayers and messages of condolence.
The funeral was very nice and when Marv spoke, he did a really wonderful
job. ...
Good Morning everyone. I am sorry that I have not been writing lately, but
things has been so busy for me. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas
and Ne...
Drawing of Me
*A friend of mine online likes to draw and sketch things. He is really good
he just sketched this in a few minutes. He is not happy with the results
The Best Part of Christmas
The shopping is done. The presents are wrapped. The cards – well, so what
if they’re a little late. There is no tree this year, but the Nativity and
the ...
I come here tonight worried. Yesterday my SIL was admitted into a mental
hospital. Dan has not been himself since the fall last December and lately
Yes, I must sit down over here somewhere and try to figure this all out.
Was trying to access 'MY SIMPLE...
Making the move
I am somewhat familiar with blogspot, I have used it before, but I like AOL
journals and am very disappointed that it is being shut down. I hope they
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