Sunday, August 16, 2009

She's 19 today

My oldest daughter Kara is 19 today.

I'm very proud of my daughter. She's a good girl with a good head on her shoulders.

She's in her sophomore year in college, studying to become an art director. She wants to be in advertising. She also has a job painting faces and doing henna tattoos at our local theme park.

Today she went to Disney with some friends for her birthday.

I love you Kara.


  1. happy birthday Kara (late but happy b'day anyway!)

    wow Shell you're old enough to have a 19 year old? *snicker*

  2. Hard to believe how quickly they grow up isn't it? Happy Belated Birthday Kara! (Hugs)Indigo

  3. I love you too Kara....that is a great pic. Congrats on another year in school. Get that dream girl!

  4. happy birthday Kara (late but happy b'day anyway!)
    How to make a website
