Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In like a Lion...

March has come in like a lion. Not the weather but life in general. I sure hope it goes out like a lamb. Sweet and soft.

My computer is in the shop and I am having withdrawals.

Hi, my name is Shelly, and I'm addicted to Paint Shop Pro.


Oh Yeah, I was the mystery blogger over at Donna's journal. So cool...some of you pegged me right away but I knew you guys would.


  1. My February came in like that and it left like a lamb! lol
    Hope your March is a good one.
    God gets us through.

  2. Hi Shelly my February came in like a lion and it was still Roaring when it left ~ but today it has been quite warm and the sun has been shining ~ so maybe Spring is on it's way :o) ~ Ally x

  3. Keep smiling it won't always be raining Shelly.Theres got to be some sunshine somewhere soon.Take Care God Bless.xx

  4. I'm starting to get the bug to play around again in PSP. I'm feeling better since my surgery. Can you send the link to the PSP group?

  5. I am so ready for spring. Hugs, Helen

  6. Hope your computer is well soon...
    and life is crazy here too lately...
    Have a good day! :)

  7. Hi Shelly!!

    Hope you get your computer fixed soon!!!


  8. March came roaring in & roaring out. So far that's mostly what April has been. Windy & dusty. I checked the humidity while was 8%!! Can't get much drier, eh? Glad u included me a reader. I sure don't want to lose ya! Take care.
    Luv N Hugs from dusty West TX, Barb (queenb)
