I was beginning to miss you. It is the end of the year so I must review. It certainly has not been the best but it is what it is.
Let's see, the business sucked this year. All sorts of things broke in the house. Both cars broke. Kara didn't get her scholarship due to grades. Cindi went wild at 16. Jacob is in his last year of elementary school about to head into middle school. My MIL had some serious health issues as well my mother did too.
But I did have my sewing job and my babysitting job which got us through. And my children and my husband and I are all healthy. We have a roof over our heads for now. We have food but only because I insist on buying food before anything else.
And it is almost 2010. 2010 has got to be the year that things go well for us. It just has to be. I do believe in the laws of the universe and that you attract things you want to yourself simply by the power of thought. So I am thinking prosperity, peace, and what's the third P? Oh no, I can't remember.
Anyway, I will eat my black eyed peas and think positive thoughts that 2010 will be our best year ever!! Hope it is for all mankind. God bless us one and all.